The Moon

Facts About The Moon

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Click Here: Moon In High Resolution

The Moon:  From a Video, ZWO 224, IR 850 filter, Skywatcher Mak Newt telescope (1000mm, 190mm), stacked and stitched to make this detailed partial composite image, using Microsoft Image Composite Editor and further processed in Lightzone.




The Moon: Logitech 910 webcam, Tasco Luminova 4 inch reflector, Televue Nagler 13mm eyepiece

 The Moon: Canon 70D, Skywatcher Mak Newt telescope 1000mm, 190mm and Televue Powermate 4X (top 3 images) and Lunt reflector 420mm, 70mm (bottom image)

The Moon: ZWO 224, IR 850 filter, Skywatcher Mak Newt telescope (1000mm, 190mm)

The Moon:  Video, ZWO 224, IR 850 filter, Skywatcher Mak Newt telescope (1000mm, 190mm)

The Moon:  Video, Canon 70D, Telvue Powermate 4X, Skywatcher Mak Newt telescope (1000mm, 190mm)

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The Moon – 2017- Mak-Newt Telescope, 1000ml, 190mm, Powermate 2X and 4X, Canon 70D EOS, Orion UltraBlock Filter



Moon ….. March 26, 2018:
Reflector Telescope 4 inch, 13 mm Eyepiece, 4K video using IPad Pro at the eyepeice. Best 10% frames stacked in Pipp and AutoStakkert, further processed in LightZone and Windows 10 Photo Editor.
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Moon: April 24,2018
Skywatcher 190 Mak Newt, Ipad Pro video processed and stacked in Tiff format with Pipp and Autostakkert and post processed in Luminar 2018


Moon April 24, 2018: Skywatcher Mak Newt 190mm, Ipad Pro, two tiffs from a video, merged as layers and processed in Luminar 2018.

Astronomy Notebook
The Moon
Images And Videos
Equipment and Setup
Notes on Equipment

***** Thanks to:  La Maison de l’Astronomie and Lire La Nature Astonomie Plus, for allowing images to be taken of their telescopes and equipment which can be found in the Notes on Equipment section of my website. Their continued advice and experience has been greatly appreciated.

Published on WordPress August 15, 2017.